American Diploma Track

American Diploma Curriculum
Our curriculum has been designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve success inside the classroom and when they move to the outside world in which they live. The curriculum also provides flexibility to explore the interests of each student individually, as it can be adapted to suit the Saudi context and culture and achieve compatibility with the Saudi Ministry of Education curricula for Saudi international schools in the identity subjects, which are the Arabic language, Islamic studies, and social studies
The American Diploma Track includes the following educational stages
Primary Stage
One of our goals that we are working hard to achieve is to create a generation that loves goodness, science and people, contributing to building a good family, which is the nucleus of a good society, and enabling them to read and write in Arabic and English, as well as basic science skills. This is due to the presence of experienced and competent cadres in their fields, where they are selected on sound grounds appropriate to the high level of schools in education.
Middle Stage
An important link in the course of the study process, a sensitive stage between the ages, life challenges that must be kept up with, and turn their massive energies at this stage to knowledge, self-esteem, and confidence, This is our daily obsession, which we aspire to instil in all our students.
High School
The quick development that the world is witnessing in all fields, especially education at various stages, has made our schools an edifice that keeps pace with this development, so we had to prepare the student in the final stages of her learning comprehensive and integrated by applying the programme “project-based learning” accurately and with a clear mechanism through the system of courses, and by allowing female students to face real-life situations and acquire social interaction skills through the implementation of different types of projects.