Admission Policy

Admission Process

01 - Complete the registration application
Step 1: Complete the registration application

 Fill the registration application   and  the Medical form specific for Danat Al Uloom Schools on the website.

02 - Provide Documents

Step 2:Provide Documents

Please send a copy of the following documents to the following email: @

  • Student’s birth certificate
  • Residency card of the student and the student’s father (for non-Saudis)
  • Family card (for Saudis)
  • Student’s father’s status card. (For Saudis)
  • Student’s passport
  • Student’s Vaccination certificate
  • Previous school reports (if applicable)
  • An equivalent school certificate from the Ministry of Education (This applies to students enrolled from schools inside and outside the Kingdom)
03 - Set appointment for Placement Test

Step 3: Schedule the Placement test

The Admissions Department will contact you within two business days to book an appointment to take the placement test according to the available dates.

04 - Placement Test fees

Step 4: Test fees

We will ask you to visit the school to provide the following two weeks before the Placement test date:

  • Placement test fees:
  • Four recent student passport-size photographs (size 4×6)
05 - Attend the Placement Test

Step 5: Attend the Placement test

The student will sit for the Placement test in the following subjects: Arabic and English. Please make sure that your child is well rested and arrives on time on the day of the test.

06 - Attend Parent's Interview

Step 6: Attend the guardian’s interview

The school principal conducts an interview with the student’s parents to talk about our mission, vision, values, and expectations of both parties.

07 - Acceptance Status

Step 7: Admissions

  • If the child is accepted, a place will be reserved for the next year or he/she will be on the waiting list.
  • Some students may need to spend 3 full school days at the school for observation purposes.
  • The student may retake the placement test only upon approval of the school principal.l.
08 - Guarantee the Student’s Place

Step 8: Guarantee the Student’s Place

If accepted, please provide the following to confirm the student’s acceptance:

  • Pay the registration fee and the first payment within 7 working days.
  • Original copy of previous school reports (if available).

التقديم متاح للطلاب من الحضانة وحتى الصف التاسع.

الحد الأقصى للعمر

الحد الأدنى للعمر

المرحلة الأكاديمية المقابلة

المرحلة الدراسية

سنتان و11 شهرًا و29 يومًا (وفقًا للتقويم الهجري)


حضانة (بنات وأولاد)


3 سنوات و11 شهرًا و29 يومًا (وفقًا للتقويم الهجري)

3 سنوات


Early Years 2

4 سنوات و11 شهرًا و29 يومًا (وفقًا للتقويم الهجري)

4 سنوات


Year 1

5 سنوات و11 شهرًا و29 يومًا (وفقًا للتقويم الهجري)

5 سنوات


Year 2

6 سنوات و11 شهرًا و29 يومًا (وفقًا للتقويم الهجري)

6 سنوات

الأول الابتدائي (بنات وأولاد)

Year 3

5 سنوات و11 شهرًا و29 يومًا (وفقًا للتقويم الهجري)

7 سنوات

الثاني الابتدائي (بنات وأولاد)

Year 4

8 سنوات و11 شهرًا و29 يومًا (وفقًا للتقويم الهجري)

8 سنوات

الثالث الابتدائي (بنات وأولاد)

Year 5

9 سنوات و11 شهرًا و29 يومًا (وفقًا للتقويم الهجري)

9 سنوات

الرابع الابتدائي (بنات وأولاد)

Year 6

10 سنوات و11 شهرًا و29 يومًا (وفقًا للتقويم الهجري)

10 سنوات

الخامس الابتدائي (بنات وأولاد)

Year 7

11 سنة و11 شهرًا و29 يومًا (وفقًا للتقويم الهجري)

11 سنة

السادس الابتدائي (بنات وأولاد)

Year 8

12 سنة و11 شهرًا و29 يومًا (وفقًا للتقويم الهجري)

12 سنة

السابع الابتدائي (بنات وأولاد)

Year 9

13 سنة و11 شهرًا و29 يومًا (وفقًا للتقويم الهجري)

13 سنة

الثامن الابتدائي (بنات وأولاد)

للسنة الدراسية 2022/2023

Kindergarten Stage

01 - First level:

Children born on 01/23/1439 AH, corresponding to 10/17/2017 AD, until  01/22/1440 AH, corresponding to 10/02/2018 AD.

02 - Second level:

Children born on 1/23/1438 AH, corresponding to 10/24/2016 AD, until 1/22/1439 AH, corresponding to 10/12/2017 AD. 

03 - Third level:

Children born on 1/23/1437 AH, corresponding to 10/24/2016 AD, until  1/22/1438 AH, corresponding to 10/12/2017 AD. 

Primary Stage - First Grade

01 - Less than six years old

 Students who are one hundred and eighty days younger than six years as a maximum, i.e. whose date of birth is between 4-5-1438 AH and 5-8-1438 AH.

Bilingual Track

American diploma Track

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تحدث معي الآن ...
محادثة فورية
كيف يمكنني مساعدتك
اهلأ وسهلاً بكم في مدارس دانة العلوم

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