Students Council

The Purpose of the Student Council
The members of the student council learn how to set an agenda, come up with ceative ideas, solve problems, vote and promote, and manage events while developing citizenship and teamwork skills. All of these important skills help the members become likeable school leaders.
The Role of the Student Council
The Danat Al Uloom School Student Council represents the voice of our students. Its main goal is to promote creativity, enthusiasm, pride and cooperation among students by participating in policy development and engaging in activities that impact the student entity in brief. The Student Council works to:
- Providing opportunity for students by participating in school and community activities.
- Planning special activities within the school
- Promoting the concept of school belonging.
- Providing data to the administration on problems of concern to the student, organizing and assisting in supporting school activities and planned service projects.
- Strengthening the connection between our school and the community in which we live.